Monday, December 28, 2009

A timely holiday injury

On Christmas Eve while I was washing dishes, I did something my jr high home-ec teacher warned us to never do: 1) never put a whole bunch of sharp knives in the sink to wash, and, 2) if you're dumb enough to do this, always look before reaching into the water.

I never did adhere to rule #1, I've always put all knives in the dishwater to soak a bit instead of washing them one-by-one. I've done this for years and have never cut myself reaching for those submerged knives. But I was surprised on Christmas Eve when in my haste I reached into the water and sliced my left thumb with a knife.  I've recently been keeping all of my knives pretty sharp, and this one was definitely in its prime.

The cut wasn't deep, but it was almost the entire width of the meatiest part of my thumb. It bled profusely at first, and I continued to wash up the dishes despite the cut, figuring that the soapy water was probably pretty good for it. But I did have to double rinse the knives to get the extra spot of blood off the handles.

Finally I attended to the cut -- like I said, shallow, but long, so it was hard to get a band-aid to cover the whole thing. And it's been probably one of the most annoying injuries I've had of late. Do you know how many times you use your thumb, even your non-dominant thumb? I've re-opened the cut numerous times doing dumb stuff like turning a doorknob, turning on the water, closing the washing machine door, etc.

Just four days later it's mostly healed up, but still hurts depending on what I'm doing. So I think this means this is my last post of the night if I want to be able to type at work tomorrow.


  1. Buy bigger bandages. What the heck. I keep a supply on hand of various sizes and pads as I'm really prone to hacking something.

  2. I broke my left thumb while sledding once, and a few years later I had to get 5 stitches in my right thumb after opening a tin can. Life with hurt thumbs sucks.

  3. Bigger bandaid, like Dad said, ya goober! Keep that closed so it heals and doesn't get infected!
