Saturday, December 05, 2009

Lindsey Finally Lost her Second Tooth!

Almost 3 months after her first one came out, she finally lost her second tooth today! It'd been really loose for almost two weeks, but she didn't want anybody to pull this one.

Today she and I were driving to the grocery store and she was munching on a sweet bun from a local bread store on the way. She said that it hurt her tooth when she bit into the bun, and all of a sudden the tooth came out in her hand! She was so excited!

So the tooth stayed in a little tray up by me for the duration of our outing, and is home now safe in her tooth box, where the tooth fairy will hopefully remember to take it in exchange for a dollar tonight. You can already see the new tooth behind where the old one was -- it had started to come up behind her baby tooth.

1 comment:

  1. Grandma Bonnie7:18 AM

    It is so hard for me to keep up in my mind how fast she is growing up. Don't remember my own kids growing up so darn fast.
