Monday, September 27, 2010

The Incredible Edible...Tooth?

After Lindsey lost her last tooth so quickly we've been waiting for more to pop out. I noticed that one tooth seemed to have moved over, as they've done in the past, to make room for the permanent teeth that would be coming in.

Finally I asked to see where her tooth had moved only to find that the tooth had been lost at some point in the prior week! She couldn't tell me exactly when, but that she had been eating a bun at lunch, then suddenly that tooth had hurt and then it didn't, and she kept eating her bun. She didn't realize it was gone until I discovered it.

She thinks that perhaps the tooth stuck in her bun and she may have eaten it. I can't believe she lost her tooth and didn't even notice.

The tooth fairy did not visit our house for this one.

1 comment:

  1. The tooth fairy could've left a roll of toilet paper. Who knows, the next gas she passes could have a real bite to it.
