Tuesday, January 05, 2010

"Scribbly" hair and other such stories

Yesterday marked the first day back to our schedules after a long holiday break. The girls were excited to see their friends again after a long hiatus, though Lindsey was a bit sad in the morning about not being able to stay in her jammers all day and just stay home. I was too -- after all, it was 9 below zero when we left the house yesterday morning, makes for a difficult re-entry into our regular schedules.

But all sadness of the holidays being over seemed to dissipate when we got home in the evening and heard about the girls' days. First Lindsey gave us a practical blow-by-blow description of playing Uno, her new favorite game, with her friends at Mpls KIDS. Her friend Emma got Uno for Christmas, so she was super excited that her best friend knew how to play too!

Then we heard from Marissa about how her friend Kira got a haircut. I'm not sure which child this is, but Wayne knew her and mentioned how much curlier the girl's hair looks now that it's a bit shorter.

"Yeah," Marissa agreed, "Now it's all scribbly." And she made a gesture like she was scribbling on a piece of paper. I like that adjective, that's a new one -- instead of frizzy hair, it's scribbly hair.

And Marissa was so tired that during their "resting" time right after lunch she actually fell asleep and napped. That's a new one!

1 comment:

  1. Grandma Bonnie7:37 PM

    I love Marissa's descriptions -- scribbly hair and legs running out of breath.
