Sunday, January 17, 2010

It Finally Happened

Dax bit Lindsey on the nose today.

I didn't see him actually do it. I just know that last I looked, Lindsey was using Dax as a pillow, and he seemed to be tolerating it amazingly well. I went upstairs and next thing I know I hear his snarl that means "you've gone too far this time, girl," and Marissa immediately comes upstairs. Before she's even in front of me to tell me what happened I hear Lindsey crying downstairs.

I suppose because she'd been so close to his face in such close quarters it was inevitable that his snarl would catch her.

And maybe this is just what she needed to have happen to finally FINALLY leave the damn dog alone. A few weeks ago she wrenched on him in such a tight hug that his neck hurt so that he couldn't eat that night. We had to hold his dish up to his face because he couldn't bend down to eat. Thankfully that injury seemed to heal itself in a single day, but she continues to pester and pester him.

It was obvious that Dax felt really bad about it. He came up with her and while I was applying first aid, he kept trying to get near her, which, of course, she would have none of. Finally, after she'd settled down and things were better, he came over to her and licked every inch of her hands. (Licking people is his way of saying "I'm sorry.") Then he licked her face too, which I immediately put a stop to due to the scratches on her face.

Lindsey did stay away from him for a while, but by this evening all were back to their normal selves -- the girls were arguing over who gets to sit next to Dax, while he was content curling up next to me, his protector from little girls.


  1. i am happy to see you are not blaming the dog. When I was young, maybe 5 - 6 I had to get rid of a dog because he snipped at some of the neighborhood kids. They teased him unmercifully and there wasn't much I could do about it. I remember the resentment I felt and even to this day think the dog was treated unfairly. I do not think it was put down, but I hope it went to a family in the country. At least that was what I was told.

    It will be interesting to see if Lindsey learns a lesson or continues to push the envelope.

  2. Oh my gosh! I didn't know it was Dax! I'm glad everyone is ok. Alex & Maria will be hearing about this!

  3. We'll have to compare stories, G. I know that Maria was bitten by a dog of a family friend relatively recently, right? Curious to know what (if anything) precipitated that.

    And I agree, Dad, no sense punishing the dog for not being able to tolerate abuse from little kids. I hope Lindsey's learned her lesson.
