Monday, May 10, 2010

If Every Day Was Mother's Day

I would be awoken at 6:30 am by a little face, asking me if I was awake so I could open a homemade card that detailed the life of "Supper Mom." Supper Mom's greatest skill is that she can rub your back with her fingernails and sing a sweet song to make you go to sleep.

I would have the time to play card games and Battleship before breakfast, which would consist of homemade pancakes and scrambled eggs with lots of help from the 4-year-old mixed in.

I would have little girls running to help me set the table, to clear the table and to eat well during breakfast.

Dax would be accompanied on a walk by a girl on a scooter and a girl on inline skates, ensuring that we stopped lots of times for lots of sniffs and smells.

Then I would go Rollerblading for some needed quiet time and exercise.

Our family would go to Lake Harriet every afternoon, shop at Wild Rumpus for new reading materials and get an after lunch cone from Sebastian Joe's. On the way home we would stop by Dunn Bros. for a strong coffee to counter the coming sugar low and all the exercise.

I would make homemade guacamole with help from the littlest one every afternoon and sit outside devouring it with blue chips and a glass of wine with all the family playing outside.

Dinner would be delivered in a bag and devoured by all with much laughter and chatter throughout.

Children would take baths with much fun and little splashing, and two tired little bodies would fall instantly asleep, with new books in various stages of being read before sleep overcame them.

If every day was Mother's Day, we'd have to have an unending supply of money to support our spending habits, and lots of time for workouts for all the calories consumed.

If every day was Mother's Day, my children would NEVER FIGHT! (It's true, one day with NO fighting!)

Every day is Mother's Day to me, because I am blessed with such a fantastic family and such awesome little girls.


  1. What a sweet post, Jenny. Thanks for sharing, sounds like you had a great day!

  2. Sounds like a perfect day!

  3. Sounds like a wonderful day!! I hope you get lots more of them.
