Friday, August 21, 2009


Last night we were trying to get the girls ready for bed, a task they both have become skilled at procrastinating.

Marissa decided she needed to put her baby to bed, and had her baby in her toy baby carrier in her room and was in the process of covering her with various little blankies, etc. Wayne kept telling her to come to the bathroom to brush her teeth. Finally he had to tell her she'd get to watch no TV the following day unless she got to the bathroom on the count of 3 to brush teeth.

Marissa's response was to give a big sigh of annoyance -- I cannot even determine which vowels to use to describe it. It's something like "uuuuuuuUUUUGH!" or "RrrrrruuuuuuHHHHH!" and then she said, "You're RUINING my LIFE!"

We actually laughed, even though we weren't supposed to. She is 4 going on 14.

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