Sunday, January 18, 2009

When did my oldest become a teenager?

Yesterday Lindsey came upstairs and asked to do something for which the answer was "no." I can't even remember what she asked for, but I remember her reaction when I told her no a few times for the same request.

She got mad, shut my door on me, went into her room, shut HER door, then turned her radio on. LOUD. It was the Beatles playing.

Since when did my 5-year-old turn 15??


  1. Sounds just like her mom, oh what a temper. Enjoy, we are.


  2. Anonymous5:59 AM

    Oh, baby, let the fun begin! Classic teenage behavior, mmm, could be an interesting next 13 years.... :)

  3. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Oh, yeah! Amazing how quickly those sweet, innocents can turn ito a hormone raging teeny wanna-bees! Jamie has gotton used to stomping feet in a huff, loudly going into her room, where she quietly now closes the door. She slammed it once, and that was enough for all of us! I look forward to the cranking of the music, although not the kind of music, it won't be her momma's music!
    Can you imagine Marissa and Molly in a couple years!
