Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Power of...Huh???

My last post I wrote about how intrigued I am with Eckhart Tolle's book, The Power of Now.

He has now officially lost me.

Whenever someone speaks to something called "unmanifested energy," I go...huh?? (Cue photo of cute dog with ears pricked up and head tilted sideways.)

The power of this book had been in its simplicity -- it just plain made sense. Now it lost me. And he speaks of people in such terrible relationships and desperation in their lives and says there's a way out of that. Well...I don't quite relate to that, I don't feel that I'm in terrible relationships OR desperate. I'm generally a very happy person, so it's not a stretch for me to believe that I can be happy now...because usually really I am. Apparently there's this thing called the "pain-body" (an inner energy that some of us tap to feel badly when we should be feeling good) and unmanifested energy out there bringing us down. Bummer.

Oh well, I'll just pick what I like from the first part of the book and ignore the rest.


  1. I read some excerpts online and looked at some U-Tube videos of him speaking to an audience. It became apparent to me that this man was tormented and apparently generalized that to the rest of humanity.

    I found his statements to be in that range of most people who nod their heads in agreement haven't a clue about what he is saying.

    I also was left like you, most of my life has been happy. There are moments that I have been unhappy and frustrated with life, but in general it is truly a gift. What skill or aspect of being am I to learn from him. My conclusion was none.

    I also find this idea of transcending reality to achieve a state of being to be opposed to our nature. What the hell does he think life is, we walk around seeking some trance like state so we can reduce the pain of living. How about accepting our human condition and living our lives to the fullest.

    Bunch of crap if you ask me.



  2. Anonymous11:51 AM

    I always like to read what your dad has to say, reminds me of my mom, she would of called it crap too.
