Friday, June 20, 2008

Time Article: Pregnancy Pact by Teens

Click on above post title for the Time article.

The saddest statement of this story has to be:

"They're so excited to finally have someone to love them unconditionally. I try to explain it's hard to feel loved when an infant is screaming to be fed at 3 a.m."

-- Amanda Ireland, 18-year old graduate of Gloucester High School, who had a child her freshman year.

Amanda theorizes that many girls in the pregnancy pact saw her as a role model and agreed to get pregnant together.

Where are these girls' parents?


  1. One has to wonder if there is a reorder in the family system underway. I agree, where were the parents, but I also hear young parents say they are afraid to take action as they may be accused of child abuse. The courts seem to be playing more of a role in family life than I ever recall. Family life is being pushed and pulled from many different directions. It seems that perhaps young persons think they are coming of age earlier. Our grandson will get testy as hell and vehemently claim he is a man, he is 10.

    The role models on TV are leggy, sexy, tight clothes and that's just the guys. Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, sorry Jen but even your Amy Winehouse don't just spout radicalism or stand for a cause, but are examples of personalities out of control.

    On the bright side, teen pregnancy is down, or at least tending that way, however not in Gloucester I'd say. There are some real bright spots featuring young people and we are starting to hear more and more about their accomplishments. So who knows, maybe these young girls will become sad poster children for "Paradise Lost."



  2. Anonymous8:14 PM

    A friend of mine & Amy's got pregnant as a teen for two reasons - 1. Her boyfriend convinced her she could get more federal aid / welfare with a child so they could move out together and 2. She wanted someone who would love her unconditionally. I remember her telling me these things clearly, even after the baby was born, and she had no regrets. He must be about 12 now.

    Dad has some interesting comments about media influences. I always struggle with this when I write books for teens because there is a fine line between reflecting the culture of the day and influencing it, and sometimes we don't know where something falls until much later. Reading an article like that certainly makes me wonder. Thanks for posting!
