Monday, June 23, 2008


This weekend Marissa said a couple of things that had us all in stitches.

The first time we were at a little cafe having breakfast for lunch. Lindsey and Marissa had just been served their Mickey Mouse pancakes and I had cut some of it up for Marissa to eat. She picked up her fork, closed her eyes and moved her head from side to side, saying "Where my Mickey Mouse pancakes? Where my Mickey Mouse pancakes?"

Then she opened her eyes, pointed to her plate and said, "Oh! There dem are." She proceeded to eat while Wayne, Lindsey and I giggled.

The next one happened while we were driving home from this same visit. We were up in Anoka, after a failed attempt to go strawberry picking (yet another story), and we had a bit of a drive ahead of us (45 mins, which is long in our books).

Lindsey was chatting. The. Entire. Ride.

Some people think Lindsey doesn't talk. She just doesn't talk around people she doesn't know well. She makes up for it when it's just the four of us.

So Lindsey was chattering and chattering away and we were listening to this for some 20 minutes or so. Finally Marissa says, "Who's talking??"

She said it as if she'd been tuning out the words and just realized that someone was STILL talking and wanted to know who it was.

Pure entertainment!

1 comment:

  1. A while back I started keeping a notebook of "Chase-isms". Kids are funny, even when they aren't trying.
