Sunday, June 08, 2008

5 Shots for the 5-year-old

This past week I had the dubious honor of taking Lindsey in for her 5-year check-up. I knew that she was due for a minimum of four shots at this visit, and it wasn't going to be a pleasant one.

We got a surprise when we got there that she's actually due for FIVE -- Minnesota now also requires a booster for the chicken pox vaccine prior to entering kindergarten.

God bless her, she sat down so well and did the shots so well. She didn't even cry until after they were all over, probably from the relief of being done. Her reward was a trip to Target for some lip gloss and a Hello Kitty DVD ($5.99 in the bargain bin).

I was so proud of her, and had to retell her the story of when I was a little girl and had to get shots. I think for one visit I had to have three nurses hold me down. Yowzaa.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Please tell Lindsey I'm very proud of her. My memory tells me that I fussed and kicked the Dr's desk so badly that he told my Mom not to bring me back. (Back that they had nice wooden desks -- no metal) She is obviously much braver than I am.
