Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Weekend in Tracy

I've got just a few photos here to share of our weekend in Tracy. It was a short one, made miserable by a sinus infection that I developed. I feel bad that I filled all of my in-laws little trash cans throughout the house with loads and loads of nasty Kleenexes!! Ugh -- sorry all, for exposing you. The good news is by the time Sunday rolled around it was no longer a cold and was a sinus infection, so hopefully it wasn't contagious anymore. And I washed my hands so much they were raw, so I hope I didn't leave too many germs left in the house.

Marissa's been sick as well, she stayed home w/me Monday with a temp of 101.2. I think that since having kids I've only taken one sick day for myself when it was only actually just me at home -- every other time I'm also responsible for a little one who's sick as well. Makes it hard to rest and nap, especially with Marissa, our little busy body.

I'm on the mend now, got a good night's sleep last night, though I awoke at 4 am from a terrible dream in which I believed I was being suffocated. Turns out I was in a way -- both my nostrils had closed up and I was no longer getting the air I needed. I must have been struggling for air until I woke up enough to open my mouth to breathe.
By the way, this last photo of Lindsey was taken about half a mile outside of Tracy. Lindsey didn't like the DVD we put in the van. We put in one of Marissa's, knowing that if we put one in that Lindsey had really liked she wouldn't have fallen asleep. I should've taken a photo again about 2 minutes after this one, with her head lolling to the side as she slept.


  1. What an awesome face!! That needs to be saved for future photo collages!

  2. Grandpa Floria would say, "Who let that fart?"
