Friday, February 23, 2007


Marissa has been learning more and more words all the time. One of her favorite words right now is "Bobby." There's a little boy in her class named Bobby, a cute little blondie with big blue eyes. She'll point to him and say, "That's Bobby." She also wanders around the house randomly saying "Bobby. It's Bobby. Bobby. Baaaaahhhh-beeeeeee." We don't know why, we don't pretend to understand.

Today she came home from daycare saying a new word. She looked right at me and said, "Shit." Clear as day. "Shit." Not once, not twice, but three times over the course of putting her coat on and getting her home. I would respond by saying, "Sit!" thinking that perhaps her diction was such that it was coming out as a naughty word when she meant "sit."

Tonight she and Lindsey were taking a bath and Marissa clearly enunciated "Shit!" Lindsey looked up at Wayne with a shocked look on her face and said, "Daddy, she said shit!" So now we know that even if the little one doesn't know what the word means, the elder one has an idea and knows it's not nice!

1 comment:

  1. Well, things happen eh? I do not know when that word became part of my vocabulary, but I doubt it was at such a young age. I've never objected to those words as they can add to the content of an expression, however to many young people are using these words simply to offend. Once learned, I hope you are able to get her to discriminate in the use.

