Friday, January 25, 2013

We Have Two Possible Weekends Ahead of Us

Weekend Plan A:

1. Wayne runs Securian half marathon. Leaves approx. 7:30 a.m., ETA 2 p.m.

2. Drive Lindsey to first ever karate lesson with Marissa in tow, stay for entire lesson to see what it's all about.

3. Return home, feed lunch and have babysitter arrive to babysit Lindsey. Drive Marissa to birthday party at Waterpark of America, with bathing suit under clothing just in case I need to jump in. Marissa wants me to stay the entire party, until 4 p.m.

4. Wayne returns home, an hour later takes Lindsey to slumber birthday party.

5. I return home with Marissa from waterpark birthday party, an hour later the three of us head out for dinner.

6. After returning from dinner, Marissa and I head across the street to a neighbor's home for a glass of wine and playtime for the kiddos.

Or, plan B:

...which begins at noon on Friday, when I am called to my youngest daughter's school to pick her up after complaining of a stomachache. The health department was called into their school yesterday to test  for bacteria because so many kids were sent home sick. A food-born illness was ruled out and a norovirus was confirmed. As of Friday morning 20% of the student body was missing. I picked up Marissa and while she was somewhat listless and not feeling the best, so far hasn't had any of the nastiness associated with this virus. So...depending on how tomorrow goes, we could stick with Plan A or we could go with

Plan B:

1. Wayne runs Securian half marathon. Leaves approx. 7:30 a.m., ETA 2 p.m.

2. Get someone to take Lindsey to her first-ever karate class so I can stay home with Marissa.

3. Cancel babysitter, because I will no longer be taking Marissa to her birthday party.

4. Feed one child lunch, assuming that the other is not eating.

5. Drop Lindsey off at slumber birthday party, assuming that the illness hasn't gotten the birthday girl yet (her younger sister was sick two days ago.)

6. We stay home, those of us who are still able to eat having leftovers with the rest sitting around and groaning.

I'll let you know later which plan comes to fruition. Marissa seems back to her happy self, so I have no idea if she really has this virus or not. We'll find out!

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