Monday, April 06, 2009

Good Art by Lindsey

The other day Lindsey came home from school with a picture she had drawn for Wayne and wanted him to take to work. She drew it at her before/after school activities, and it's a portrait of Wayne. Here it is:

I was admiring how far she's come in drawing people: people have full torsos, legs, feet, even glasses! Then I noticed a little detail she'd put into the other things on the page.

Yes, that is Dax, smiling as he takes a dump. She even put a little pink on his butt for his butthole, which she's commented on a few times while we're walking him. She colored his ears pink because the inside of his ears are indeed pink. What a good drawer Lindsey is!


  1. OMG!! That is definitely a keeper! What is this preoccupation with bowel functions? Must come from their grandfather! (tee-hee)

  2. Not me!!! She'd drawn a muzzle blast.
