Sunday, January 21, 2007

Two Daddy's Girls

One morning last week Wayne and I were getting the girls ready to go to Children's World. Wayne was wrestling Marissa's coat onto her, trying to get her hat snapped on before she could rip it off of her head and so forth while Lindsey was sitting on the couch, waving her mittens in the air yelling, "Daddy put my mitties on! Daddy put my mitties on!"

I say, "Lindsey, I can help you with your mitties."

She says, "No, Daddy."

I pretend to sniffle and cry and say, "Lindsey, don't you like Mommy? Mommy likes you."

Lindsey looks me straight in the face and suggests, "You can like Marissa."

How did I rate this low on the totem pole? Even the dog gets more unsolicited affection some days.



  1. And usually it's the lone man that feels left out! Oh well, they'll be running to you in about 10 years about female stuff. Now that's scary!

  2. If it makes you feel any better, I'm in the same boat. This month Paulie seems to favor his daddy over me for everything. I know I'm not supposed to take it personally, but I'm starting to! I definitely sympathize w/ you and "feel" your sigh at the end of the blog entry. And yet at the same time, aren't we the lucky ones who have such involved hubbies as daddies that our kids choose them over us?
